More Details: From Zimmerman to Torrice

More Details: From Zimmerman to Torrice

A private eye/actress and former Macomb County commissioner is using interest in the Trayvon Martin case to generate awareness of a favored cause, according to her husband.

Internet users who type .net instead of .com at the end of therealgeorgezimmerman, are directed to a portion of Carey Torrice’s website dedicated to ovarian cancer awareness rather than the site for George Zimmerman, the man charged in Martin’s killing.

Torrice, who was once picked as America’s hottest politician by TMZ, wanted to raise awareness of a disease that took her mother’s life in 2007, said her husband, Michael Torrice, who runs Eye Spy Private Detective Agency in Fraser.

Michael Torrice, who insisted that he and his wife don’t get any money from the effort, said they registered a similar website address as a way to turn “a bad situation into something good.”

“We aren’t insinuating that we have anything to do with George Zimmerman,” he said.

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