Matt Landry’s Fundraiser

Matt Landry’s Fundraiser

  • Matt Landry's Fundraiser - Carey Torrice attends a fundraiser planned for Matt Landry.
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Carey Torrice attends a fundraiser planned for Matt Landry.

Friends of the family of Matt Landry hosted a fundraiser Sunday night.

The event was held at the Emerald Theatre in downtown Mount Clemens.

The benefit ran from 6 p.m. Sunday until 2 a.m. Monday.

Admission was $20 per person. The event included food, soft drinks, live entertainment, cash bar and an auction.

Businesses across Metro Detroit donated all the prizes and auction items.

Landry was found last week shot to death inside an abandoned house on Detroit’s east side. Police say he was carjacked in Eastpointe before being killed.