Michigan Legislature Joint House Committee Meeting
Host: Michigan Film Production Opportunities
Type: Business Meeting
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
9:00am – 12:00pm
State Capital – Room 352, House Appropriations, 3rd Floor
100 N Capitol Ave
Lansing, MI
Go if you can! Joint House Committee Meeting Tax Policy, Rep. Kate Ebli, Chair and New Economy and Quality of Life, Rep. Ed Clemente, Chair Date: 11/18/2009 Time: 9:00 AM Place: Room 352, House Appropriations, 3rd Floor, State Capitol Agenda: Testimony re: Film Credits. To view text of legislation go to http://www.legislature.mi.gov/mileg.asp?page=Bills Individuals who wish to bring written testimony need to supply a minimum of thirty copies for distribution. Individuals needing special accommodations to participate in the meeting may contact the Chair’s office. TAX POLICY Committee Clerk: Eric Esch Phone: 517-373-0070 NEW ECONOMY AND QUALITY OF LIFE Committee Clerk: Jean Hamelin Phone: 517-373-5632 The 2 committees which will be hearing testimony will be the Tax Policy Committee & the “New Economy & Quality Of Life Committee”. When this meeting is over we need these Representatives to understand just how much these Tax incentives are working for Michigan. How much investment is coming in to the state, not just directly in the film industry but in every area of the states business community that’s been touched by the incentives. 11/18 at 9am is the time to speak up & put this on the record. We can’t leave this to just the “big names” in the industry – these committees need to hear from everyone who benefits from these incentives. So – if you’ve benefited in anyway & you haven’t yet volunteered to testify then please let me know urgently at [email protected]. I have volunteers who are willing to help but not enough people who are willing to testify. We need your voices to be heard before it’s too late. Whatever industry you are in – if your business has benefited from the film incentives – be there to testify If you are an individual who has benefited from the film incentives – be there to testify. When this meeting is over, these Representatives must be left in no doubt what affect changing these incentives can have on Michigans economy… & what benefits leaving them alone will bring to the state in years to come. NOW is the time for YOUR voice to be heard.