Holly’s World “Best Moments on TV”

Holly’s World “Best Moments on TV”

One of the arcs on this season of ‘Holly’s World’ (Sun., 10:30PM ET on E!) has been her friend Josh Strickland’s search for his birth mother. Adopted as an infant, he was seeking his roots and some answers as to why he was given up. That journey culminated in this week’s episode as Josh finally came face-to-face with Cindy, the woman who gave him life. It was tears and joy as he learned that Cindy had never stopped loving him.”I wanted you to have a good life and I turned you over to someone who could take care of you because I couldn’t,” she admitted. Josh was immediately struck by their physical similarities. “We had each other’s eyes,” he noted. “We had each other’s mouth. And when she smiled, we both had those cheeks that close our eyes.” He also discovered he had three sisters, which was a huge change. With his adoptive parents he was an only child. It was certainly a positive experience for everyone involved and gave Josh that wholeness of self he’d been seeking. Watch how detectives found Josh’s birth mother, in this clip:

TV Replay: Watch TV’s Best Moments Daily

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