Rally: Save the Michigan Film Tax Incentive
Rally: Save the Michigan Film Tax Incentive We are at the 11th Hour. There is a legislative effort to damage the Michigan Film Incentive. The Incentives are working! Beyond our wildest expectations! But some legislators are trying to kill them. – Learn the three things you can do to save the MFI — right away, from your desk. – Get specific assignments to contact the legislators who would Kill Michigan’s Film Future. – Hear the long term positions of the announced candidates for Governor. – Network with other filmmakers. Help build a new industry here in Michigan. One of the most successful efforts to re-build the economy is in danger of terminal legislative “flip flop”. Film industry producers are sitting on their wallets watching and waiting to get a clear sign if Michigan is really going to roll back its promise and kill this new industry. Mike Manasseri of BigScreenMichigan.com “We need to focus our cameras right on the legislators who are destroying Michigan’s credibility by flip flopping on film incentives. . . .” Dan Mc Gowan of TheCrofoot.com ” The highly successful Michigan Film Tax Incentive is in danger of being reduced, capped, or altered in a way that would destroy the momentum that has been generated over the past 18 months in the Michigan motion picture, television, and video game industry. We need all Michigan filmmakers, supporters, artists, and crew to step forward and speak up.” Join supporters and members of Michigan’s film industry as they rally to preserve the Film Incentives. This Rally and effort is being coordinated and sponsored by a growing coalition. Please contact us and add your name and organizations to the effort to save the Michigan Film Incentives. Email: [email protected] or call 248-225-8937 o Mike Manniserri, BigScreenMichigan.com o Jon Wicz, Arts Beats & Eats; Winter Blast www.artsbeatseats.com o Dan McGowan, www.thecrofoot.com o Woody Roberson, Vision Films and Television For details please visit: www.BigScreenMichigan.com or www.thecrofoot.com Thanks for your support! Be Awesome! Billy Whitehouse